John Stonestreet

John Stonestreet

Op-ed contributor

John Stonestreet is the President of the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview, and co-host with Eric Metaxas of Breakpoint, the Christian worldview radio program founded by the late Chuck Colson. He is co-author of A Practical Guide to CultureA Student's Guide to Culture and Restoring All Things.


  • Marriage Redefined: Young Evangelicals in Crisis

    Marriage Redefined: Young Evangelicals in Crisis

    What does the rising generation of young evangelicals think about marriage? Here's the troubling truth.

  • The Scandal of Christianity

    The Scandal of Christianity

    And no amount of calm will dissuade critics, such as the Lynn, Massachusetts, school board member who compared Gordon College to the KKK and dismissed their work among the city's poorer children out of hand. In the end, no matter how "nice" we are, our faith in Jesus and our faithfulness to His teaching will be a scandal to the world. And we are and will be treated accordingly.

  • From Serving Others to Serving Self: Dealing With Tectonic Cultural Shifts

    From Serving Others to Serving Self: Dealing With Tectonic Cultural Shifts

    Most people who look at the cultural decline of the United States will say it started in the 1960s with the sexual revolution and the drug culture. But according to New York Times columnist David Brooks, it began not in the psychedelic Sixties, but in the frumpy Forties.

  • Indiana's RFRA: The Smear Campaign Against Mike Pence and Religious Freedom

    Indiana's RFRA: The Smear Campaign Against Mike Pence and Religious Freedom

    Ignorance, deception, and distortion. That sums up the bulk of the media coverage about the religious freedom bill in Indiana.

  • Busy or Full? Letting God Be God

    Busy or Full? Letting God Be God

    "I wear busyness like a badge of honor. Most of the time, I manufacture urgency in hopes that it will create urgency in others. Instead, it only creates anxiety, resentment and spite." And he's not alone! The American Psychological Association's says that a majority of Americans acknowledge that their stress levels exceed what's necessary for good health. The number one reason they cite—you guessed it—they're too busy.

  • Dolce & Gabbana Defend Traditional Families: God's Law on Our Hearts

    Dolce & Gabbana Defend Traditional Families: God's Law on Our Hearts

    We're used to defenders of the natural family being labelled hateful bigots. But it might surprise you just who is defending the family, and paying the price.

  • The Bogus 'Others Have It Worse' Argument: Persecution Abroad, Restricting Freedom at Home

    The Bogus 'Others Have It Worse' Argument: Persecution Abroad, Restricting Freedom at Home

    Every time someone points out growing restrictions on religious liberty, we hear "Well, that's not real persecution. Others have it worse!" I say that's a bogus argument.

  • Our Muslim Neighbors: Christ Died for Them, We Could at Least Love Them

    Our Muslim Neighbors: Christ Died for Them, We Could at Least Love Them

    Every day seems to bring appalling new reports of Islamist terrorism—against Christians, but also against anyone in favor of free speech, even other Muslims. The evil of the Islamic State or ISIS or ISIL, tempts us to write off and fear all Muslims.

  • Prison Reform, the Colson Way

    Prison Reform, the Colson Way

    Here at BreakPoint, we think about Chuck Colson quite a bit. And I'm happy to say that when it comes to prison reform, Congress has remembered him also.

  • Redefining Marriage Redefines Parenthood

    Redefining Marriage Redefines Parenthood

    Redefining marriage isn't just about marriage. It also redefines parenthood. Just ask those children.