John Stonestreet

John Stonestreet

Op-ed contributor

John Stonestreet is the President of the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview, and co-host with Eric Metaxas of Breakpoint, the Christian worldview radio program founded by the late Chuck Colson. He is co-author of A Practical Guide to CultureA Student's Guide to Culture and Restoring All Things.


  • Hobby Lobby and False Charges of Hypocrisy

    Hobby Lobby and False Charges of Hypocrisy

    Is it hypocritical for business-owners to exercise their faith in the marketplace if they do it imperfectly?

  • Faith Under Fire: The Darkest Trial a Parent Can Face

    Faith Under Fire: The Darkest Trial a Parent Can Face

    The Bible warns us to expect trials and tribulations this side of Heaven. And no trial tests faith more for parents than a child in a life-threatening condition. During this week's broadcast, John Stonestreet welcomes Fox News anchor, Bret Baier, whose new book, "Special Heart: A Journey of Faith, Hope, Courage and Love," looks at growing faith in the most challenging of situations.

  • Pill-Popping Morality: Who Needs Jesus?

    Pill-Popping Morality: Who Needs Jesus?

    We recently told you about a pill designed to erase bad memories. How about a pill to erase bad behavior?

  • Your Work Matters to God: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good

    Your Work Matters to God: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good

    What is the point of work? Can we really glorify God not just with your work, but in our work?

  • The Irony of the New Tolerance: It Doesn't Tolerate Christians

    The Irony of the New Tolerance: It Doesn't Tolerate Christians

    It's not only our culture's view of marriage that's changed, it's also the tolerance level for any dissent from the new orthodoxy.

  • Maundy Thursday and the Marriage Battle

    Maundy Thursday and the Marriage Battle

    Because the Thursday before Easter is known as Maundy Thursday, the day set aside on the Church calendar to remember the Last Supper. At this first celebration of communion, Jesus gave His disciples what He called "a new command" to love and serve one another.

  • How Will Your Church Deal With Same-Sex Marriage?

    How Will Your Church Deal With Same-Sex Marriage?

    As World Vision president Rich Stearns told reporters, "Christian organizations will continue to deal with this sensitive issue." That, my friends, is an understatement. Anyone currently trying to sit this one out, will soon realize how little neutral ground there actually is. And that will reveal how many Christians and Christian organizations just don't "get" marriage.

  • 'Cosmos' vs. 'Master Designer'

    'Cosmos' vs. 'Master Designer'

    "The cosmos is all that is, all there ever was, and all there ever will be." Those opening words from Carl Sagan's 1980s TV series, "The Cosmos" are a succinct statement of what's become the driving philosophy behind much of modern science and science education: materialism.

  • Responding to Our 'Pornified' Culture

    Responding to Our 'Pornified' Culture

    Even the secular world is worried about pornography. But without the worldview to fight it, they're at an impasse. This is where the church can help.

  • Baking Cakes for Caesar: Why We Need Freedom to Say 'No'

    Baking Cakes for Caesar: Why We Need Freedom to Say 'No'

    Would Jesus bake cakes for same-sex weddings? It's a good question, but there's more to this whole issue than just WWJD.