Joseph Backholm and Meg Kilgannon
Is the Equality Act Biden’s dragonnade?
Unity has been an early theme of President Biden’s term. However, one of his early legislative priorities is the Equality Act, one of the most divisive pieces of legislation ever seriously debated.
Christian voting myth No. 4: I’m not in the majority where I live, so why bother?
The President of the United States was chosen by only 25 percent of eligible voters and less than 20 percent of the population. That doesn’t represent a majority of Americans, that represents a majority of Americans who voted.
Christian voting myth No. 3: 'I don’t like either candidate, so what’s the point?'
But voting is not like social media. It’s more like filling a job vacancy. The job has to be filled and the Constitution has dictated the timeline.
Christian voting myth No . 2: God is in charge anyway so it doesn’t matter if I vote
He will accomplish His plan despite us. But it isn’t logical to conclude that because God is sovereign, we don’t have to care about what happens in government. Here’s why.
Christian voting myth No. 1: One vote doesn’t make a difference
These are critical decisions that make a big difference in our lives that are decided not by millions of people, they’re decided by dozens of people. Each one of those votes matters a lot.
The religious war over the Supreme Court
Progressivism is, in every practical way, its own religion. It has a statement of faith (My body, my choice), a moral code (don’t discriminate, be tolerant, reduce your carbon footprint), a transcendent purpose (utopia through revolution), a sacrament (abortion).