Joseph D'Souza and Noel Yeatts

CP Guest Contributors


  • How One Christmas Gift Transformed the Life of a Rwandan Family

    How One Christmas Gift Transformed the Life of a Rwandan Family

    In this holiday season, when everyone is thinking about giving back, I'd like to share with you the story of how one Christmas gift transformed the life of a Rwandan family:

  • Is the Trump Team Anti-Semitic?

    Is the Trump Team Anti-Semitic?

    Charges of anti-Semitism continue to be thrown around as a tool of political rhetoric in America. We saw it all again in recent days when Steve Bannon, former executive chairman of Breitbart, was appointed chief strategist for the coming administration.

  • India's New Money Policy Hurts Poor the Most

    India's New Money Policy Hurts Poor the Most

    On the day the U.S. elected Donald Trump as president, Prime Minister Modi of India announced a sudden midnight decision to demonetize 86 percent of India's cash economy

  • The Democrats' Big Mistake: Ignoring the Silent Majority

    The Democrats' Big Mistake: Ignoring the Silent Majority

    Looking back at the 2016 U.S. election, there's no doubt that Hillary Clinton's worst moment was calling Trump supporters a "basket of deplorables." With one stroke she alienated America's silent majority — the conservatives in faith and those left out by globalization.

  • Here's How to Really Help India, Mr. Biden

    Here's How to Really Help India, Mr. Biden

    Let's not mince words: There's a reason the U.S. secretary of state visited India last month and the first American vice presidential visit in three decades is taking place right now.