Joshua A. Goldberg
Christian Post Reporter
Americans More Likely to Credit Obama for Verse on Justice than Bible
A Bible verse about caring for the poor and the oppressed was wrongly attributed by a majority of U.S. adults to celebrities, politicians and other prominent figures including President Obama, Oprah, Bono and Angelina Jolie.
SBC President Johnny Hunt Diagnosed with Cancer
Southern Baptist Convention President Johnny Hunt revealed Monday that he has prostate cancer and expects to have surgery in January.
Megachurch Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty Dies at Age 57
Megachurch Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty, whose network of Bible schools spans across 911 campuses in 93 countries, passed away Sunday – just one month after he was diagnosed with cancer.
Archbishop: Women Clergy Need Not Divide Anglicans, Catholics
The head of the worldwide Anglican Communion said Thursday that the issue of women priests and bishops need not divide Anglicans and Catholics.
Faith Groups Urged to Act Together to Tackle Africa's Water Crisis
Africa\'s growing water crisis demands leadership and common action among faith groups, said the general secretary of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in a keynote address for the Third Summit of the Inter-Faith Action for Peace in Africa (IFAPA).
Nat'l Council of Churches Installs 25th President
The National Council of Churches installed its 25th president last week as the ecumenical body concluded its 2009 General Assembly.
Church Van Crash Leaves 2 Dead, 14 Injured
A van carrying 16 members of a Colorado church group veered out of control on an icy Oregon freeway Thursday morning and rolled over several times before coming to a stop.
COGIC Officials Defend Church Meeting's Move to St. Louis
Officials at the Church Of God In Christ are defending their decision to move the Pentecostal denomination\'s next annual meeting to St. Louis after having held it in Memphis, Tenn., for more than a century.
Ted Haggard to Host Prayer Gathering
Disgraced church leader Ted Haggard will be holding a gathering of a dozen or so people in his living room next week as part of an effort to connect with friends and help people.
Millions Mark All Saints Day
Millions of Christians worldwide observed All Saints Day on Sunday, marking the annual tradition according to their understanding of it.