Karen Farris
Karen Farris saw the need to help underserved kids while serving in a youth ministry that gave her the opportunity to visit rural schools on the Olympic Peninsula. She now volunteers her time grant writing to bring resources to kids in need. She also shares stories of faith in action for those needing a dose of hope on her weekly blog, Friday Tidings.www.fridaytidings.com
Mom's Valentine's Plans and the Lessons Learned
Seeing my mom's visits as an intrusion, I almost missed the opportunity to collect a treasured memory.
Sex Doesn't Sell As Well Anymore on the Big Screen?
Statistics for 2017 movie-goers indicate the hottest, best-selling movies featured no nudity.
Something to Think About! Write a Valentines for the Persecuted
As we celebrate love here in safety, take time to send a letter to someone living in the dangerous world of persecution.
The Rise of Generation Z
With only 4 in 100 teens having a Biblical worldview, can we help teens find God?
Your Chipped Spirit Will Become Whole Again
Winter brings its share of storms and sometimes foul moods, but neither will last.
Life Expectancy and Single Payer Health Care
Jumping aboard the single-payer boat?
Collateral Damage of Hormone Drugs
Handing out hormone drugs like candy to prevent pregnancy can be deadly to girls.
Sanctity of Life Begins at Home: Talk to Your Children
An unplanned pregnancy is not the end. It can be a fresh beginning.
Women in Black in a \'Fifty Shades of Grey\' Culture
Women should be less sexually provocative while also demanding accountability from businesses that exploit women for financial gain.
The Homeless Had a Name
Homelessness is personal because we share our humanity.