Karen Farris
Karen Farris saw the need to help underserved kids while serving in a youth ministry that gave her the opportunity to visit rural schools on the Olympic Peninsula. She now volunteers her time grant writing to bring resources to kids in need. She also shares stories of faith in action for those needing a dose of hope on her weekly blog, Friday Tidings.www.fridaytidings.com
How to make yesterday jealous
It was on one of our fancy dress-shopping trips that she told me about her dad.
Spike, the imperfect Easter messenger
During the service, the pastor invited Spike to share a few thoughts. Some eyebrows rose. Parishioners followed his burly frame to the microphone.
Social distancing helped me to not complain. Here's why
If I choose to complain about tough times, I need only to remember widowed Maria and her seven children.
XXX sex ed law inches closer to passing in Washington
When is the best time to pass legislation mandating comprehensive sex education for public school students? Apparently, it’s in the wee hours of the morning.
National Day of Unplugging: Are you ready?
The National Day of Unplugging is happening from sundown to sundown March 6-7.
Learn the 2020 'red flag' teen slangs
Much of the teen slang is an innocent way to text quickly and impart messages that are quickly understood. But Axis also shares some Red Flag slang that adults need to be more wary:
Welcome to Walmart! ‘Can’t control a whole lot, but I can control my smile’
I imagined that having only one arm to do all the shopping cart hauling, might have been an impediment, but not to Don.
Time is a gift
I hold onto the last lesson my parents unwittingly taught me: time is a gift. Open each day and treasure it.
Small beginnings on small business Saturday
Zechariah, the Bible prophet said, “Do not despise small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Our business had small beginnings 35 years ago and now we’re seeing small beginnings once again…
Sex and STDs
Many abstinence educators, including myself, were accused of using STDs as scare tactics. Yet, many teens weren’t realizing the implications that with multiple sex partners came multiple opportunities for shared sexually transmitted diseases.