Ken Blackwell and Edwin Meese III

Ken Blackwell and Edwin Meese III

Op-ed contributor


  • Let's Examine 'Marriage' Before We Throw It Out the Window

    Let's Examine 'Marriage' Before We Throw It Out the Window

    There seems to be a rising chorus-even among some on the right-that marriage is over and we need to give up on the civil institution of marriage. I'm reminded of the blonde starlet, Mae West. This Hollywood celebrity was asked why she didn't marry one of the handsome young men who always followed her around. "Marriage is a great institution," said Mae, "but I'm not ready for an institution."

  • Will Victoria Nuland be Fired?

    Will Victoria Nuland be Fired?

    Last year, she went to extraordinary lengths to avoid stating the obvious fact that Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel. Interestingly, there has never been a time when Jerusalem was the capital of anyone else's country or empire.

  • Team Obama's Topsy-Turvy Rhetoric Escalates the War on Faith

    Team Obama's Topsy-Turvy Rhetoric Escalates the War on Faith

    A favorite tactic of this Administration is to engage in outrageous behavior, and then – with the support of its allies – put its opponents on the defensive by accusing them of engaging in the conduct of which it is in fact guilty.

  • President Obama: Mr. Inequality

    President Obama: Mr. Inequality

    President Obama deserves the sobriquet of Mr. Inequality because his administration from its earliest days has been taking an axe to the lowest rungs of America's ladder of social mobility.

  • The Fight for Principle Within the GOP

    The Fight for Principle Within the GOP

    For millions of Americans, politics has lost its meaning. There is growing dissatisfaction with both party organizations. More and more Americans tell pollsters they are Independents.

  • Our Fierce Urgency of Now

    Our Fierce Urgency of Now

    President Obama has invoked Dr. King's powerful phrase—the fierce urgency of now—as a spur to get his troops in line for the takeover of health care. They achieved their purposes to the extent that they rammed through Congress a monster of a bill—around the corner, over the walls, and parachuting down the chimney, if necessary, as an entranced Speaker Nancy Pelosi gushingly told us. They knew they had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make it happen. And they did.

  • President Obama: Quenching America's Sacred Fire

    President Obama: Quenching America's Sacred Fire

    "Nuns hopeful of stay," read the headlines. No, they weren't going to be executed. Only their consciences were to be violated. The HHS Mandate was going to force them to cover abortifacient drugs that can end the lives of unborn children. Now, and only temporarily, the Supreme Court has stayed the execution of the HHS Mandate under ObamaCare.

  • Obama and Clinton Will Lie to Our Soldiers Caskets

    Obama and Clinton Will Lie to Our Soldiers Caskets

    The New York Times recently published a 7,500-word cover-up to exculpate the Obama administration in their atrocious dereliction of duty with respect to killing of four Americans at Benghazi in 2012. Like a frightened octopus, the left is exuding a vast cloud of ink, hoping to cover the failures of President Obama and then-Sec. of State Hillary Clinton.

  • Congress Defends Religious Freedom for the Troops

    Congress Defends Religious Freedom for the Troops

    It was a rare and welcome victory for religious freedom for our all-volunteer military. Congress approved-and President Obama the day after Christmas signed-the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This new law contains stronger language than ever before that assures our service members do not have to give up their own freedoms while protecting ours.

  • Obama Regulations Disenfranchise Minority, Low-Income College Students

    Obama Regulations Disenfranchise Minority, Low-Income College Students

    Education is the great equalizer. Yet, while President Obama was talking earlier this month about how minority and underprivileged Americans need a "decent education," his Department of Education (ED) was pushing more onerous regulations that would have the opposite effect.