Ken Blackwell and Edwin Meese III

Ken Blackwell and Edwin Meese III

Op-ed contributor


  • President Obama Drops His Family Friendly Mask

    Just four years ago, candidate Barack Obama said he believed that marriage was between a man and a woman. "And God is in the mix." Who moved?

  • Secretary Kerry's 'Stupid' Defense of Religious Liberty

    Secretary of State John Kerry was barely off the plane in Germany before he embarrassed himself—and all of us—with what is perhaps the worst defense of religious freedom ever offered. Kerry, the unsuccessful Democratic candidate for president in 2004, said the United States protects religious freedom because: "In America, you have right to be stupid."

  • What will John Kerry Do About Christian Persecution in China?

    Secretary of State John Kerry chose an interesting place to deliver his first foreign policy address. The former Massachusetts senator spoke at the University of Virginia. The university's president, Teresa Sullivan, introduced him. Dr. Sullivan noted that the university's founder, Thomas Jefferson, had served as the first Secretary of State.

  • The Renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI

    The media, of course, is calling it a resignation. But it not so much a resignation of a political office as it is a renunciation. The 85-year old pontiff's decision to renounce the power and prestige of the papal office is so unexpected, almost unprecedented, as to take the world by surprise.