Ken Blackwell

Ken Blackwell

CP Op-Ed Contributor

J. Kenneth Blackwell is Chairman of the Center For Election Integrity at the America First Policy Institute. He formerly served as Ohio Treasurer and Secretary of State.


  • Bloomberg's Puppets

    Bloomberg's Puppets

    By now, you really would have thought Michael Bloomberg would have learned his lesson.

  • The Renewable Fuel Standard is Another Taxpayer Funded Bailout

    The Renewable Fuel Standard is Another Taxpayer Funded Bailout

    We're all paying more at the pump. It's hurting consumers and dangerous for the fragile economy. And, it's because of a Washington handout to corn farmers and big Wall Street banks – all disguised as a measure to promote renewable energy and clean-burning fuels.

  • Persecution on Our Road to Damascus?

    Persecution on Our Road to Damascus?

    President Obama has apparently decided to change another of Ronald Reagan's policies. President Reagan famously said, "Trust but Verify" when dealing with the Russians. With President Obama, our new policy will be to "Trust the Russians to Verify" whether Syria's Assad has complied with UN directives on chemical weapons.

  • America Should 'Frown' Upon Jesse Jackson

    America Should 'Frown' Upon Jesse Jackson

    As if to underscore Dr. Steele's points, we have the appalling understatement of Jesse Jackson in response to the random killing of a young Australian jogger in Oklahoma. Jackson tweeted: Such actions are "frowned upon."

  • Stop Foolish Ethanol Mandates By Repealing Renewable Fuel Standard

    Stop Foolish Ethanol Mandates By Repealing Renewable Fuel Standard

    The problems continue at President Obama's Environmental Protection Agency. Under fire for their leadership using private email addresses to illegally conduct official business and enacting new regulations through coordinated lawsuit settlements with outside environmental groups, the EPA shows no sign of slowing down in Obama's second term.

  • With Online Gambling Fight, Congress Must Regain Constitutional Powers

    With Online Gambling Fight, Congress Must Regain Constitutional Powers

    Since 1961, both Democratic and Republican administrations interpreted the law to prevent states from instituting online lotteries. However, facing pressure from the President's home state of Illinois and the Vice President's home state of Delaware, the Attorney General said states can not only institute online lotteries, but also other online gaming, including poker, slots and blackjack.

  • Don't Confuse Whoopi Goldberg and Company With The Facts

    Don't Confuse Whoopi Goldberg and Company With The Facts

    Following the first debate between Cuccinelli and McAuliffe a cadre of clueless pop culture commentators on the left, including Whoopi Goldberg, Rachel Maddow, and Cosmopolitan magazine started sounding the alarm that Cuccinelli, Virginia's current Attorney General "wants to ban all oral and anal sex, even between consenting adults."

  • The King and Queen of Creation on Marriage

    The King and Queen of Creation on Marriage

    There were three thousand family members and guests at the Royal Wedding two years ago. In ancient Westminster Abbey, they heard the Bishop of London describe the meaning of marriage.

  • Quin Hillyer of Alabama; A Full Portfolio Conservative

    Quin Hillyer of Alabama; A Full Portfolio Conservative

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Charles Krauthammer, Thomas Sowell, or the late William F. Buckley got elected to Congress? Quin Hillyer, the respected conservative journalist, is running for Congress in Alabama.

  • Defending Those Who Defend Our Religious Liberties

    Defending Those Who Defend Our Religious Liberties

    If you go to the D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Virginia, you will see a moving tableau, a series of statues of the brave young Americans who stormed ashore on June 6, 1944 to liberate a continent from the grip of Adolf Hitler. One of these statues is called "Death on the Shore."