Ken Connor

CP Contributor


  • Free to Choose What's Right

    Free to Choose What's Right

    Conservatives don\'t want a value-free market place; we want a marketplace that is informed by values like honesty, integrity, transparency, and accountability.

  • Subsidizing Bad Behavior: The Injustice of Tort Reform

    Subsidizing Bad Behavior: The Injustice of Tort Reform

    Not only does the tragedy of Upper Big Branch demonstrate the inadequacy of regulations alone to protect vulnerable workers and their families, it highlights the vital importance of our nation\'s civil justice system as a means of compensating victims and punishing those whose reckless conduct harms others.

  • Tea Anyone?

    Tea Anyone?

    What began as a loosely organized campaign against government spending has evolved into a highly motivated, highly organized, politically potent movement determined to restore American government to its proper constitutional sphere.

  • An Easter People: The Centrality of the Resurrection

    An Easter People: The Centrality of the Resurrection

    For the millions of Americans who profess Christ as their Risen Lord, Easter is not just another excuse to buy chocolate and send greeting cards.

  • We\'ve Been Had

    We\'ve Been Had

    Why, after months of outspoken opposition to the bill, did Mr. Stupak yield?

  • The Economics of Abortion

    The Economics of Abortion

    Americans would do well to consider the consequences of embracing political leaders who view certain segments of society as disposable

  • Boomsday: Coming to a Theater Near You

    Boomsday: Coming to a Theater Near You

    It's worth considering the broader question of how society\'s changing view of the elderly throughout the years has contributed to this Great Divide between generations.

  • Diagnosing 'Disorder'

    Diagnosing 'Disorder'

    We have embraced a therapeutic culture which posits that everyone is a victim, consciously or not, of emotional and environmental factors which dictate the way we see the world and the way we behave within it.

  • Credit Culture: Incentivizing Greed and Irresponsibility

    Credit Culture: Incentivizing Greed and Irresponsibility

    The Credit CARD Act will make it a lot more difficult and a lot more expensive for everyday Americans to get, and keep, a credit card.

  • Where's Al?

    Where's Al?

    Recent events have caused many to doubt the veracity of Al Gore's award-winning claims about man-made global warming and the "settled science" behind climate change.