Lane Palmer
Disasters – God in Control?
God…where are you in all these catastrophes? Couldn’t you have simply spoken a word to still the tornadoes and quench the fires? Is God in control or not?
You Are a Human Target
Watching "Human Target" is basically the TV equivalent of sucking down a Red Bull while riding a roller coaster during a hurricane.
Born This Way…Born Again is the Only Way
Put your paws up if you’ve ever had this question: What do (ahem) Lady Gaga and God have in common?
Are You a Soul Saver?
How does someone who has undergone such trauma find the strength not only to move on, but allow herself to be used by God in amazing ways?
Thank You Rebecca Black
When did the word \"Friday\" become the 3 syllable word \"Fri-eee-day\"? In her defense, Rebecca Black didn\'t even write the song
God Has No Adjustment Bureau
You are not just a physical machine that plays no significant role in the universe. You\'ve been given complete free will, and life is filled with opportunities to exercise our free will choices.
Release Your Inner Bieber!
Isn\'t it fascinating how one ordinary person with off the charts determination can blow the lid off the world\'s expectation and have a global impact?
Super Bowl XLV and The Kingdom of Light
One thing that I\'ve noticed over me years of being a part of the Big Game celebration is that there are some interesting parallels between the types of people who attend the party and the types of Christians in the world.
The Right Way to View The Rite
I personally wouldn\'t base my beliefs about the demonic world on a film that is \"inspired by true events.\"
True Christians Have True Grit
This story reminds me of a whole group of people who lived quite a while back who definitely demonstrated true grit as well. What else can I say? There isn't enough time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson