Voices Contributor
When do angels show up?
I used to believe that an angel’s sole purpose was to obey and worship God. After all, this is what they were created to do right? But what if there’s more?
A Christian’s greatest challenge isn’t unanswered prayer. It’s this
One of the greatest challenges a Christian’s faith will ever face is not from a prayer going unanswered, but from a prayer being answered in an unmiraculous way.
7 exciting trends in global Christianity: No. 5 will surprise you
A study highlighting seven encouraging trends within global Christianity was released by Facts & Trends. Here’s what you need to know.
Did you know ‘This Little Light of Mine’ was birthed in the civil rights movement?
It’s a rallying cry. It’s about meeting the darkness with unwavering hope.
Warner Bros gives free access to ‘Just Mercy’ movie
Warner Brothers has opened up access to this new release film for free for the next month across many of the most popular streaming services.
7 Modern-day missionaries that changed the world
These history makers changed the world around them with their “yes” to God’s calling on their lives. Read stories of these inspirational missionaries and be encouraged!
How to call on God to break bad habits: 4 helpful keys
How can we then call on our spiritual strength to help us break these bad habits and make new ones?
Medical study proves validity of speaking in tongues
In 2008, the University of Pennsylvania released findings from a medical study proving that the practice of speaking in tongues is sourced by the Holy Spirit.
How to identify an eating disorder and find hope
Yumi talks with a fellow plus size model about their shared experience with eating disorders. The two share their stories of recovery as a message of hope.
Would you even like Jesus?
Jonathan Trotter in a recent Instagram post asked an intentionally provocative question—one that I have never been asked: Would I have liked Jesus had I met him during His life?