Lila Rose
Lila Rose is the Founder and President of Live Action, a national pro-life nonprofit organization dedicated to ending abortion. Follow her on Twitter.
How to find your cause and become a force for change in a wounded world
My cause was to fight for life. Abortion was an injustice I could do something about. I could educate my peers. I could raise money for pregnancy resource centers. I could be a silent witness outside abortion facilities. Nothing held me back from helping at least one young woman who struggled with an abortion decision. Nothing held me back from trying to save at least one life. How many other causes allow an ordinary individual to directly help save a life?
Big abortion may win battles; The pro-life movement can win the war
The pro-life movement will persist until abortion is rejected by both our laws and our culture.
Memo to GOP Presidential Candidates: 'Don't Let Planned Parenthood Off the Hook'
When Fox News hosts the first 2016 GOP presidential debate on Thursday, it is vital that each candidate addresses Planned Parenthood. Presidential candidates in both parties must end the war on babies.