Marcus Mecum
3 spiritual gates we must guard to protect our homes
What voices are you listening to? Do they speak truth into your heart or do they flood your mind with lies, fears and profanities?
Don’t waste your life underestimating your soul
Just like how our joints and marrow in our physical bodies work together, our soul and spirit work in tandem. But we can’t really be who God wants us to be if we are only focusing on our spirits and neglecting our souls. Our spirits are saved in an instant, but our souls need work.
3 steps to lead our imperfect families
Leading a family can be a daunting task. But fathers, I encourage you to let go of the goal of perfection. You as a family unit will never obtain it, and that’s okay. Instead, let grace connect you and integrity sustain you as you walk together the path of righteousness. God is there to guide and forgive you every step of the way.