Martin E. Marty
Martin E. Marty's biography, current projects, upcoming events, publications, and contact information can be found at Original Source: Sightings – A biweekly, electronic editorial published by the Marty Center at the University of Chicago Divinity School.
The Decline of the Culture Wars
Culture wars can get heated up after cooling, but they are not likely to take the forms they did, nor keep media over-awed again.
Farewell, President
What kind of people do we want to be with a new president who has such lofty ideas about what he wants to be?
Politics and Inerrancy
Decades ago wags said that the Episcopal Church was "the Republican Party at prayer," but in elections in our time it has been said that "inerrant Word of God" factions tended to find Republicans to be inerrant.
Bringing the Campaign to Finland
I am currently in Finland, where scholars at Turku and Helsinki asked me to address, among other topics, the role of religion in the American presidential campaign.
Another 'God that Failed'
There is no Schadenfreude, no joy in the misfortunes of others, in their and most of their colleagues' writings elsewhere in the religious press, because there are no simple "others" when "we" are all in the mix of disasters together.
Pulpit Freedom from the IRS
Less noticed than its law-breaking advocates hoped it would be, dozens of churches defied federal regulations and used their pulpits yesterday to challenge IRS regulations, which insist that tax exempt organizations dare not spend a "substantial part of [their] activities in carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting, to influence legislation."
"Worst Crisis Since '30s, With No End in Sight," screamed the September 18th Wall Street Journal, in company with all other headliners.
In a world given to suspicion, sometimes well-founded, and cynicism, always destructive, it is nice to see corners of the media world which would replace the sneering section not with a cheering section, but with a give-peace-a-chance view from the sidelines.
More Pew Findings
In this business and with pleasure one cannot not comment on the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life surveys. They are the most ambitious and expansive polls and draw the most public attention.