Michael Brown
Dr. Michael Brown (www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test? Connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.
Transgender Mayhem in California: Boys Will Be Girls Will Be Boys
What would have sounded completely unbelievable just 20 years ago is now law, thanks to California's Governor Jerry Brown: "transgender students" – meaning children from K-12 who believe they are trapped in the wrong body – can "pick the restrooms they want to use, and the sports teams they want to play on, based on their gender identity."
For Richard Dawkins, 'Muslim Bashing' Is Different Than 'Christian Bashing'
Professor Richard Dawkins, known as the world's most famous atheist, has risen to rock star status for his attacks on God and religion, in particular, his attacks on the God of the Bible. But when he recently criticized Muslims, he was in for a surprise.
The Moral and Intellectual Bankruptcy of the Pro-Abortion Movement
In the wake of a rising tide of pro-life sentiments and sensibilities in America, the utter bankruptcy of the pro-abortion position is being revealed, especially in its more militant forms.
A Right-Wing, Fundamentalist Christian, Mass Murderer?
The murderous acts of Anders Breivik in Norway will be seen as proof that conservative Christians in America might just turn violent too, as if the demented actions of an anti-Muslim, anti-multiculturalist Norwegian have anything to do with the spiritual, moral, and cultural aspirations of American Christ-followers
From Chastity to Chaz: Thou Shalt Not Criticize
When it comes to homosexuality and transgenderism, the message is plain and clear: “Thou shalt not criticize!”
Let the Awakening Begin
America’s greatest crisis today is not economic, nor is it political, social, or military. But our greatest crisis goes deeper. It is a spiritual crisis