Michael Farris
Relativism is dead, a new progressive orthodoxy has arrived
The pretense is over. The new orthodoxy has arrived, and it intends to purge society of all contrary views.
A letter to Josh Harris
Josh: How can I forget that meeting in the lobby of a hotel in Rochester, New York when you told me you had signed a book deal for “I Kissed Dating Goodbye”? I told you it was a bad title and wouldn’t sell. Of course, it outsold everything I have ever written by a wide margin.
Governing Like a Bunch of Hezekiahs
The way we are governing is like we are all a bunch of Hezekiahs. We don't care what will happen in later generations as long as we have good things in our days.
Alexandria Shooter and Dangerous Politics
The disturbing shootings on the Alexandria ball field are the result of a certain kind of politics. It is one thing to disagree with one's opponent or an opposing viewpoint. It is quite another to deny the right of your opponent to speak or even exist.
Trump's Meeting With Evangelical Leaders Marks the End of the Christian Right
Today an estimated 1,000 evangelical leaders are making a pilgrimage to Trump Tower to "listen" to Donald Trump. The organizer of this meeting came to my office to tell me in person why I wasn't being invited. I had been too vocal in my anti-Trump views.