Natalie Brumfield
CP Op-Ed Contributor
The Day Our Precious Foster Son Became Our Boy Forever (Video)
One of the greatest ministries God ever gave us is family. Jesus paid for it in blood so that His family could be redeemed, adopted in, and loved forever.
100 Years of Planned Parenthood: Celebrating What Exactly?
One Planned Parenthood experience has remained seared into my memory like no other. I was standing outside of Planned Parenthood in downtown Birmingham, praying on my lunch break.
When My Adopted Son Asked, 'Where Were You the Night Before I Was Born?'
I remember the night before my son was born. Only I wasn't there. I was in a prayer room.
When Taking the RU-486 Pill Failed, She Came to Us With Her Crisis Pregnancy
Weeks ago, I walked into our crisis pregnancy center and witnessed a miracle. I have been volunteering as a counselor for over 7 years now and never before have I seen this. I was honored to see God's handiwork up close — watching the face and eyes of the woman who received a redemptive gift.
7 Reasons You Should Attend (at Least One) March for Life
Every January, I usually see the same faces coming to the local and national Marches for Life happening across our country. I long to see more people I don't know participate, even people to whom I live next door. There may be a myriad of reasons why not everyone comes.
The Inside Story of How Prayer Shuttered an Illegal Abortion Center in Selma
The true story is spreading far and wide: following a years-long effort by a unique pro-life coalition, an abortion center in Selma, Alabama which had been operating illegally has finally closed its doors.
10 Reasons You Should Pray Outside an Abortion Center
Birmingham chapter leader for Bound4LIFE and a part of 40 Days for Life, Natalie Brumfield has been praying outside abortion centers since she was a child. After seeing an opposing Top 10 list, she felt compelled to respond in love.