Nate Kellum

CP Op-Ed Contributor


  • Atheist Symbol Seeks To Overshadow Nativity Scenes

    Atheist Symbol Seeks To Overshadow Nativity Scenes

    The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) placed the big "A" in downtown Chicago. They say the "A" stands for Atheist, but it also represents Attack, given its timing and placement. While the nativity scene is linked to Christmas, and the menorah is part of Hanukah, the only apparent purpose for this lighted letter "A" is to demean the other displays.

  • Religious Liberty Has Certainly Changed From Pilgrims Arrival

    Religious Liberty Has Certainly Changed From Pilgrims Arrival

    As we sat down and enjoyed our traditional Thanksgiving meals, many of us remembered the Pilgrims' quest for religious liberty. We considered how they came to this new country at great sacrifice, seeking the freedom to practice their religion.

  • Should Public Prayers Be Censored by Non-Christian Groups?

    Should Public Prayers Be Censored by Non-Christian Groups?

    Should a clergy's prayers be subject to censorship if given to solemnize a public meeting? A powerful atheist group, Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AU), thinks so, and has convinced a federal appellate court to enforce this sort of oversight. But the question is now squarely before the U.S. Supreme Court, having heard oral arguments earlier this month.

  • Should Christian Counselors Have the Right to Discuss 'Reparative Therapy' With Christian Teens?

    Should Christian Counselors Have the Right to Discuss 'Reparative Therapy' With Christian Teens?

    Though "reparative therapy" has been stigmatized by the media, sexual attraction does in fact change for many people throughout their lifetimes. Mounting evidence proves this kind of counseling can be invaluable to those seeking to change their attractions.

  • Gay Rights Employment Act Could End Religious Liberty in America

    Gay Rights Employment Act Could End Religious Liberty in America

    Last week the United States Senate passed a bill with a nice – albeit vague – ring to it: Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2013 (ENDA). But as evidenced by the Affordable Care Act (otherwise known as Obamacare), the titles of laws can be misleading. ENDA does not curb unfair discrimination in the workplace; rather, the legislation would effectuate it.

  • Hawaii Gay Marriage Vote Tramples on Religious Liberties

    Hawaii Gay Marriage Vote Tramples on Religious Liberties

    Since the 2012 elections, the number of states sanctioning same-sex marriage has doubled, but in the rush to appease some outspoken and politically-connected citizens, are the religious liberties of others being trampled?

  • AFA Labeled a 'Domestic Hate Group' by Military Officers; Seriously?

    AFA Labeled a 'Domestic Hate Group' by Military Officers; Seriously?

    Two weeks ago, at Camp Shelby in Mississippi, counter-intelligence officers presented a briefing that identified the American Family Association – a non-profit Christian organization – as a "domestic hate group." This was not the first time something bizarre like this had happened. On another army base, evangelical Christians and Catholics were listed as prime examples of religious extremism. On yet another, the Founding Fathers were portrayed as extreme

  • Abortion and Murder's Eroding Distinction

    Abortion and Murder's Eroding Distinction

    Last week, two brutal stories brought to light the fine and tenuous line our culture maintains between legalized abortion and criminalized murder.

  • If Two Parents Are Better Than One, Why Not Three or More?

    If Two Parents Are Better Than One, Why Not Three or More?

    If two parents are better than one, why not have three or four or even more? As ridiculous as that sounds, that is what's happening in California now days.

  • Military Chaplains 'Shutdown' During Government Shutdown

    Military Chaplains 'Shutdown' During Government Shutdown

    As Americans start to feel the effects of the on-going stalemate in Washington, many have wondered about the decisions directing which aspects of the government are shut down during a "government shutdown." Who decides and on what basis the approximate 17 percent of the government that is put on hold? One would presume the importance of the service and the necessity of funding would guide the process. But a press release from John Schlageter, General Counsel for Archdiocese for the U.S. Military