Nathan Black

Christian Post Reporter


  • House Rejects Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood

    The U.S. House on Friday rejected an amendment that sought to strip Planned Parenthood of taxpayer funding. The Pence Amendment was voted down 247 to 183.

  • 156 Conservatives Urge Senate to Reject Sotomayor

    Opposition against the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor has been spelled out on paper by 156 conservative and constitutional cause leaders and citizens.

  • Apollo 11 Ad Promotes 'Potential' of Every Human Life

    In conjunction with the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon, a pro-life group released a new ad with the support of retired astronauts.

  • Conservatives Wary of Abortion Coverage in Health Care Reform

    As House Democrats speed toward unveiling their health care reform package, conservatives are actively campaigning against letting it slip by with abortion coverage.

  • Obama, Pope Discuss Abortion, Stem Cells

    Obama, Pope Discuss Abortion, Stem Cells

    In their first meeting Friday, President Barack Obama and Pope Benedict XVI touched on the ethics of abortion and stem cells. The pontiff offered Obama a copy of a document titled "An Instruction on Certain Bioethical Questions."

  • Proposed Policy to Put Religion Back in Iowa Schools

    Public school officials in Spencer, Iowa, have proposed a policy that would offer students elective classes on the Bible and on arguments against the theory of evolution.

  • Gay Marriages Now Recognized in D.C.

    Same-sex marriages performed in other states and countries are now recognized in the nation's capital. The bill became law after a failed attempt by conservatives, including ministers, to receive approval for a referendum.

  • Pro-Lifers Launch Personhood Battles to Protect Unborn

    Pro-lifers in Colorado and Montana recently launched ballot initiatives to protect the unborn in their state and lay a stepping stone to someday overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion.

  • Tiller Murder Suspect Justifies Killing

    Tiller Murder Suspect Justifies Killing

    The anti-abortion activist charged with killing late-term abortion doctor George Tiller has been communicating from his jail cell that such killings are justifiable.

  • Creationists Reach Out to Teachers with Darwin Bibles

    Creation proponents are distributing thousands of creationist materials and Darwin Bibles to attendees at the National Education Association's annual meeting in San Diego this week.