Nathan Black

Christian Post Reporter


  • D.C. Judge Rejects Efforts to Block Gay Marriage Bill

    Conservative groups suffered another blow Tuesday when a D.C. Superior Court judge ruled against allowing the issue of same-sex marriage recognition to go to voters in the District.

  • Obama Pledges to Ally with Gays for More 'Progress'

    President Barack Obama reiterated his pro-gay pledges to the homosexual community during a White House reception Monday. Obama vowed again to overturn the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy and to repeal the federal Defense of Marriage Act.

  • Pro-Life Office Attacked in Aftermath of Tiller's Murder

    Pro-Life Office Attacked in Aftermath of Tiller's Murder

    A pro-life group's national headquarters in Wichita, Kansas, was attacked on Friday by an unidentified suspect who remains at large.

  • Christians Say Hate Crimes Bill Is Not What You Think

    Attorney General Eric Holder urged Congress on Thursday to expand federal protections to gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals, a move conservatives say would criminalize those who simply speak against homosexuality.

  • Appeals Court Backs Va. Partial-Birth Abortion Ban

    A federal appeals court upheld Virginia's ban on partial-birth abortion, reversing an earlier ruling that had declared it unconstitutional. "A partially born child is among the weakest, most helpless beings in our midst"

  • Senate Blocks Tiller Resolution

    The Senate recently blocked a resolution that condemns violence against abortion providers. Pro-life groups contend that the language does not stop at only decrying violence but goes further to pay tribute to abortion providers and their services.

  • Judge: 'Religious' Library Policy Entangles Church, State

    A Christian ministry is no longer banned from gathering in Antioch Branch Library's public meeting rooms.

  • Huckabee, Jon Stewart Face Off on Abortion

    Former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and late night host Jon Stewart faced off for the second time over another heated topic – abortion, or the pro-life issue, as Huckabee preferred to call it.

  • D.C. Board Blocks Gay Marriage Referendum

    The D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics rejected a proposal to allow voters to decide on whether the District should recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere.

  • D.C. Pastors Argue to Let Voters Decide on Gay Marriage

    Pastors and other traditional marriage advocates made arguments on Wednesday in support of allowing voters in Washington, D.C., to decide on whether to recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere.