Nathan Black

Christian Post Reporter


  • Conservatives React to Spitzer's Fall

    Although Gov. Eliot Spitzer's call-girl scandal has caused a break in public trust and calls for resignation, conservative groups say public outrage is misdirected with little indignation toward betrayed marriage vows.

  • Lawsuit Against Teacher's Anti-Christian Remarks Goes to Trial

    Lawsuit Against Teacher's Anti-Christian Remarks Goes to Trial

    A federal judge denied on Monday a motion to dismiss a lawsuit against a history teacher for making repeated disparaging remarks about Christians during class.

  • Dobson: Homeschool Ruling Strikes at Heart, Soul of Families

    Conservative Christian leaders are outraged at the California appeals court decision last week rejecting a parent's right to educate their children at home.

  • Homeschooling Families Threatened by Court Ruling

    Homeschooling Families Threatened by Court Ruling

    Tens of thousands of parents could be subject to criminal sanctions after a California appeals court ruled parents do not have a constitutional right to homeschool their children.

  • Thousands Remember Slain Reno Student

    Some 3,000 people braved a snow storm Saturday to remember Brianna Denison, a 19-year-old college student who is believed to have been killed by a serial rapist.

  • Pastor Poses Sex Challenge to Churchgoers

    Pastor Poses Sex Challenge to Churchgoers

    The nation is abuzz about a young Southwest Florida church's "30-Day Sex Challenge" that encourages married couples to have sex for one month straight and singles to abstain for that length of time.

  • Baptist University Looks to Renewal After Storms

    Baptist University Looks to Renewal After Storms

    A Southern Baptist university is breaking ground Friday for a new student residence complex, just weeks after tornadoes reduced the old housing facilities to rubble.

  • NFL Allows Churches to Host Super Bowl Parties

    Churches can now show the Super Bowl on big screens, the National Football League said this week.

  • Oxford Probes Why People Believe in God

    Oxford Probes Why People Believe in God

    The University of Oxford will bring together anthropologists, theologians, philosophers and other academics for a three-year study on whether belief in a divine being is an inherent part of mankind's makeup.

  • Anti-Christian Barrage at the Movies

    The United States is the most deeply religious country in the western world, but movies and television programs are portraying a different picture, Christian media groups say.