Noah Beck

Op-Ed Contributor


  • Iran Knows What the West Forgot: Charm is Cheap

    Iran Knows What the West Forgot: Charm is Cheap

    With starry-eyed optimism, Western leaders and members of the media have recently fawned all over the new Iranian president, Hasan Rouhani, as if he had taken any meaningful steps to reverse Iran's illicit nuclear program, abysmal human rights abuses, or support for Hezbollah terrorism and Basher Assad's murderous regime in Syria.

  • 9/11 Reflections: 2001, 2012, and 2013

    9/11 Reflections: 2001, 2012, and 2013

    In the 16-month period following Osama Bin Laden's assassination in May of 2011, national confidence increased in a way that was almost reminiscent of the pre-9/11 days. The economy was gradually coming back from the Great Recession (much as the pre-9/11 economy was recovering from the "Dot-Com Crash") and -- more importantly -- there was a sense that the worst national security fears of the U.S. were behind us

  • Russia May Have Helped Obama Dodge the Syrian Bullet

    Russia May Have Helped Obama Dodge the Syrian Bullet

    Any diplomatic initiative on Syria coming from Russia, whose UN votes have perpetuated Assad's killing machine for over two years, should be viewed with extreme suspicion. Nevertheless, the latest Russian proposal merits serious consideration.

  • Obama: Spineless on Syria

    Obama: Spineless on Syria

    On August 20, 2012 President Obama warned against chemical weapons' use in Syria, declaring it a "red line." On Dec. 3, 2012, Obama repeated his warning to Assad, saying "The use of chemical weapons is...totally unacceptable. And if you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons, there will be consequences and you will be held accountable."

  • India and Israel Must Prevent An Iranian Nuclear Attack

    India and Israel Must Prevent An Iranian Nuclear Attack

    At first glance, Hindu-majority India, with approximately 1.2 billion people and an entire subcontinent, would seem to have little in common with Jewish-majority Israel, which has only about eight million people living on territory that's just roughly 15 times the size of India's capital city. While full diplomatic relations were established between Jerusalem and New Delhi as recently as 1992, the two countries actually have much in common.

  • Christians: On the Front Lines of Muslim Violence

    Christians: On the Front Lines of Muslim Violence

    Unfortunately, the persecution of Christians is nothing new in Egypt or other Muslim-majority countries. But thanks to the mainstream media, few Westerners understand the true scale or nature of the horrors involved.

  • The Five Flaws of Kerry's Mideast Peace Process

    The Five Flaws of Kerry's Mideast Peace Process

    Here are my thoughts on why Secretary Kerry's Mideast peace process is wrong.

  • European Union Showcases 'Broken Compass' in Mideast Peace Process

    European Union Showcases 'Broken Compass' in Mideast Peace Process

    If this is how the EU chooses to spend its limited diplomatic and political resources "to help" the Middle East, then its moral compass is badly broken.

  • Iranian Nukes Must Be Stopped, Not 'Hoped' Away

    Iranian Nukes Must Be Stopped, Not 'Hoped' Away

    President Obama's Middle East policy has been an ever-worsening train wreck because it lacks credibility and strategy, as Egypt, Libya, and particularly Syria, have shown.

  • Kudos to Egypt for Mending the Morsi Mistake

    Critics who call the recent coup by the Egyptian army "undemocratic" are placing form over substance and forgetting that the election of Mohamed Morsi was itself arguably undemocratic.