Nolan Harkness
Rev Nolan J Harkness is the President and CEO of Nolan Harkness Evangelistic Ministries Inc. since 1985. He spent most of his adult life working in youth ministry. He also felt the calling of Evangelist/Revivalist and traveled as the door was open holding evangelistic meetings in churches throughout the Northeast. His website is www.verticalsound.org.
Consider God's calling: Maybe nursing is for you
Many find that real fulfillment in life comes from realizing that they are doing a job that truly helps others, a job that not everyone can do.
Are we lacking the fear of God?
We could see true revival if God’s incredible power is taught in our churches again, and His majesty is revered properly.
Is the Church the bride of Christ, or just a fundraising machine?
Should this subtle form of deception using money making marketing be supported by true men and women of God? Has God stopped providing? Does He need our craftiness?
Relationship with God trumps religious observance
I believe that in many ways people prefer religious practice over a relationship. Why? Because they think it's easier.
Does my giving reflect my love for God?
I believe that one of the greatest pieces of evidence that remain to this day that a person has been truly revived and or truly born again is that they cheerfully begin to give to God’s work.
Believing in God’s greatest miracle: Changed hearts
Never give up praying for those hardened souls. Ask God to do what He does best — turn stone hearts into flesh. Let’s all pray and believe together that changed hearts are God’s greatest miracle.
3 serious obstacles to personal revival
Surprisingly, it is not just the spiritually apathetic or spiritually slothful people who flee a deeper relationship with Jesus. The following are three types of spiritual impairments that keep people from enjoying communion with God in their lives.
God's sovereignty, man's free will, or both?
No other theological truth raises more controversy in the Body of Christ worldwide than whether God works more by His sovereignty or through man’s free will.
Test every teaching and doctrine by the Word
Beware, my fellow Christians, of teachings, which sound good but do not line up with the lives described in the scripture.
May the Ukrainians sense the prayers of the American church
It was June 6, 1944, and little did the American people know, but the D-Day invasion was already underway in France. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, speaking on his radio program called the "Fireside Chat," led the nation in prayer — a prayer uttered by a man who obviously knew God. It is my prayer that the same tremendous encouragement will give courage to the Ukrainian people all over the world today.