Oscar Amaechina
How to forgive those who hurt you
Praying this prayer daily for those whom the enemy has used to hurt us in the past can bring forgiveness and understanding to an ailing heart.
Understanding who our God is essential for Christian living
The greatest mistake any Christian can make is not to understand the God whom he or she worships.
Televangelism should not replace the Great Commission
Televangelism has been one of the means by which preachers reach the world using television broadcasting as a medium, and many preachers have concentrated all their energies on this method to the detriment of actually going to the mission fields.
Who is working against Nigeria being labeled Countries of Particular Concern?
Christians in Nigeria are beginning to ask questions like, “Who is working against Nigeria’s inclusion in the list of Countries of Particular Concern? Are there high-powered international conspiracies to annihilate Nigerian Christians?”
Are the new year prophecies from God or men?
Is it not time for Christians to start judging prophecies that are given to them?
Many have gone astray preparing for Christmas
It is now about a show of wealth as practiced in the part of Nigeria where I come from. The celebrant is no longer in the picture of the celebration and the atmosphere of the celebration is no longer about God but about man.
My will vs God’s will: Which one is it?
Even when things seem bleak, may we choose to trust Him in all dark circumstances.
Why Christians should speak out when fellow brethren are victimized
Fellow Christians, arise and fight for religious freedom wherever you can and however you can. Otherwise, it won’t be long before those rights disappear completely.
Reciprocating God's sacrificial gift to the world on giving Tuesday
Let’s make the sinners, the unreached and the unengaged our priorities on this giving Tuesday.
Consulting God first is the antidote to regrettable decisions
Most often, what we want to do and follow is always in conflict with what God wants.