Patti Garibay
What does being feminine even mean
In fact, it is this very cultural premise, that to be a female means you need to enjoy only ‘feminine’ things, that is damaging to our girls.
7 stressors girls face today
Fear has reached pandemic levels. But as Christians, we are told over 500 times in the Bible not to fear.
Failing forward and finding faith in resilience
Resiliency is overcoming difficulty, but not at the cost of ignoring or downplaying it.
What girl ‘power’ through a Christian lens looks like
How can girls and women claim to advocate for “girl power” when the feminist movement in America is tied to so many activities and beliefs that directly oppose Christian values?
The Oath of the American Heritage Girl and abortion
These words, over time, become engraved on a girl’s heart and mind.
‘Barbie’: Pink, feminist nightmare for girls around the world
The overt messages of the importance of separating the sexes, usurping and maintaining power over one another, seeking meaning through secularism, and the longing to be the Creator rather than the created.
The spiritual state of America
What is happening to our country founded on Judeo-Christian values? Mission creep.
10 ways to practice gratitude with your family this Thanksgiving
Sometimes it is easier to see God’s faithfulness when we look back over past circumstances and see how they worked out for our good, even if we might not have seen it at the time.
A New Year’s relationship resolution
By catching the moments that surround each of us to leave a little imprint on another’s heart. These quiet, unscheduled moments of time are the optimal times to teach values to a young girl or to encourage a struggling teen.
A Christmas invitation from Christ
Our minds review the year over, taking inventory on accomplishments and making promises for the new year — all in an effort to live better, do better, be better.