A Milestone in the Betrayal of Marriage
The President has made his decision. The Attorney General has now made his announcement. Mark your calendars. That day now represents a tragic milestone in the betrayal of marriage

The President has made his decision. The Attorney General has now made his announcement. Mark your calendars. That day now represents a tragic milestone in the betrayal of marriage
I, for one, am proud to know of a boy and a family who refuse to consider girls and women as proper opponents on a wrestling mat — opponents to be bloodied, gouged, and slammed.
Manhattan College does not require its faculty to profess Catholicism. Actually, it is unclear just how the school functions as a Catholic institution.
The loss of the bookstore will mean more than lost opportunities to sell books. For the last two centuries and more, bookstores and bookstalls have been centers for the dissemination of culture and ideas.
It seems that many human beings will abandon their moral principles when faced with the opportunity to commit adultery. Ashley Madison exists to create even more of those opportunities.
A social psychologist defined his colleagues as a \"tribal-moral community\" that has its own set of \"sacred values.\" Those values blind the academic tribe to its own forms of discrimination
The Bible is brutally honest about human sinfulness in all its forms, including sexuality. Nevertheless, the Bible presents a consistent and clear sexual ethic. The issue is not a lack of clarity.
We can draw a straight line from the emergence of evolutionary theory to the resurgence of atheism in our times. Never underestimate the power of a bad idea.
How can Ms. muster any genuine outrage about sex-selection abortions in India when it has demanded unfettered abortion access in our own country? It cannot, and it does not.
We now face the undeniable truth that the most basic and fundamental questions of biblical authority and gospel integrity are at stake.