R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
Christian Post Guest Columnist
Theology, Therapy, Twitter, and the Scandal of the Gospel
There is no shortage of perplexing realities in our world today, but counted among them must be the fact that many rather well informed people seem to be shocked that Christians believe the doctrines of Christianity.
An Unmitigated Theological Disaster – Kirby Godsey Strikes Again
Is God a Christian? presents a trajectory and set of theological arguments that reveal what happens when biblical authority is denied and the faith once for all delivered to the saints is repudiated.
The Church and the 'Clobber Scriptures' – The Bible on Homosexuality
When the Bible, in part or in whole, is dismissed as “clobber Scriptures,” it is not only the Bible that is subverted, but also the Gospel. The Church must recognize that fact clearly — and fast.
False Prophets, False Teachers, and Real Trouble: The Case of Harold Camping
Harold Camping has refused all correction and all efforts to persuade him to cease his false teachings. He is the classic example of a false teacher and a false prophet, about which the Bible has so much to say.
Genderless Baby Myth
Two Canadian parents have ignited a firestorm over their determination to raise their third child as a “genderless” baby. This is not a baby with ambiguous genitalia. The parents admit that this baby has a clear biological sex, but they do not want that to become the child’s identity.
Screen Test: The Danger of Digital Fixation
When it comes to the dangers of the digital age, most parents worry about what is on the screen of the computer. Recent research indicates that the screen itself just might be a very real danger.
Is the End Near? The False Teaching of Harold Camping
The church is not to be arrogantly setting dates, but instead to be eagerly waiting for him. Of that we can be truly certain.
Yet Another Tragedy in Mainline Protestantism
This most recent decision by the PC(USA) to ordain openly gay candidates sets the stage for the total capitulation of this church to the normalization of homosexuality — an act of open defiance against the Scriptures.
Killing Off Marriage?
Cameron Diaz recently asserted that marriage is a “dying institution.” Keith Ablow adds his hearty approval to Cameron Diaz’s indictment of marriage, adding that he is “not certain marriage ever did suit most people who tried it.”
When the Lights Go Out: The Death of a Denomination
When a church forfeits its doctrinal convictions and then embraces ambiguity and tolerates heresy, it undermines its own credibility and embraces its own destruction.