Rachel Alexander
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Social media is destroying mental health, and it’s far worse than we think
The old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words may never hurt me,” has finally become outdated, because whoever coined it never predicted a constant barrage of hate 24 hours, 7 days a week.
I’m buried in student loan debt, but no thank you to bailout
Don’t listen to the spin about “making life easier for Americans.” It’s really just playing Santa Claus for Americans at the forcible expense of other Americans. There are plenty of good paying jobs available, many people just refuse to take them.
Why are red state governors using Democrat public relations agencies?
Conservatives are always railing against using products and services from left-wing activists, so why are some who clearly have the option of choosing otherwise not doing so?
How big tech is stealing the presidential election
Twitter employees have admitted if an account has a certain number of words, such as “guns” and “God” in their profile, they may delete it claiming it was a bot.
The Left is treading on thin ice by going after what people wrote years ago
Are you responsible for spending hours researching everyone’s history you encounter on the internet before you repost anything by them?
The Left’s brilliantly deceptive documentary ‘Alt-Right: Age of Rage’
One of the biggest goals of the left in recent years is to portray those on the right as racists. It saves them the effort of having to refute the right’s arguments substantively.
A look at the Left’s new utopia without police: Seattle’s Autonomous Zone CHAZ
"Rapes, robberies and all sorts of violent acts have been occurring in the area and we're not able to get to [them]," she warned. Emergency calls from the area have tripled. I wonder why?
Antifa hijacks black protests, turns them into violent riots
It’s one thing to protest. If people think the death of George Floyd involved racism by the police, they have a right to protest. But when they engage in violence they cross the line.
Should bailouts go to government contractors?
Since they have regular government business, they’re not getting hit as hard as others. In the last year, the top 20 defense contractors received $200 billion in contracts.
Bill Gates may have predicted COVID-19, but it doesn’t mean he’s right about specifics
But just because Gates predicted COVID-19, doesn’t mean he must be trusted on the specifics.