Rachel Greszler and Matthew Lobel
Op-ed contributor
Why America’s labor force decline matters beyond current supply shortages, rising prices
A strong work ethic was fundamental to America’s founding, and it enabled America to become one of the most prosperous nations in the world. That’s why the recent decline in labor force participation in the United States is so troubling.
How government is adding to, not solving, labor shortages in health care and elsewhere
Easing the broader, nationwide labor shortage requires shifting people from government dependency to productivity and self-sufficiency. That requires policymakers ensure that work pays and that not working doesn’t.
How policymakers can stop driving, start fighting inflation
Inflation rose 7% over the past 12 months, making it the largest increase in 40 years. Much of this inflation, which has been driven by poor government policy, could be alleviated if Washington was willing to make a series of better policy choices. But the stakes are high if our leaders fail to act.