Ray Comfort
How to be delivered from danger
If, like Daniel, we have fully turned to the Lord and laid our souls on the altar of sacrifice, we will always know the direction God wants us to take.
How to share the Gospel when they don’t feel like talking?
He was very impressed, but to my dismay, he responded using the name of Jesus in blasphemy. I tucked that into my memory banks and decided that I would gently make mention of it when I interviewed him.
This is what I do to overcome fear
What ifs are lies from the father of lies. They rarely materialize, but they are the fertile soil in which paralyzing fear thrives.
How is God loving if He allows suffering?
The message of Christianity isn’t that God wants to better this life for humanity. It is one of warning of a terrible fate in store for those who continue on the road of sin.
Choose eternal paradise over temporal fear
Think for a moment about the late President Kennedy. One moment he was sitting in his limo with his wife, smiling and waving to adoring crowds. The next moment he was in eternity. A small piece of fast-moving metal sent him there in a split second of time. Imagine you were taken back in time to the moment before he got into the limo. You can’t stop the assassination, but you can talk to him for a few moments about eternity.
Evangelism anxiety is real—and it must be resisted
Faith always overcomes fear. The “fear” that comes to your mind is that if you bring up the things of God, the stranger you have approached will think that you are a religious weirdo. But you know that if he dies in his sins, he will go to Hell—forever. Concern for his eternal salvation will help you ignore your fear.
So you want a 'sign' from God?
As he looks at its words, he wondered who authored the publication. Was it the parachute manufacturer, the airline, or did someone else pen it?
I didn’t want to speak in this church
I had been asked to preach at three services in a church in Southern California. I had spoken in many churches but this one made me nervous.
How to bring your children to Christ (pt. 1)
This misunderstanding of the necessity of genuine conversion usually comes from an unawareness of the reality of false conversion.
Was Saint Francis a sissy?
I heard that Saint Francis said “Preach the Gospel at all times. Where necessary, use words.” That statement upset me beyond words because it was a philosophy that I knew sounded deeply spiritual . . . to those who were spiritually shallow.