Rev. Mark H. Creech

Rev. Mark H. Creech

Christian Post Columnist


  • The Prospect of Persecutions

    The Prospect of Persecutions

    These events of late prove, without question, that the normalization of homosexual behavior in the culture and the legalization of same-sex marriage will inevitably usher in a flood of religious persecutions for Christians who dare say homosexuality is a sin. Touting as they have that gay rights are about civil rights, the LGBT community deceives the public into believing every born-again, God fearing, Bible-believing, follower of Jesus Christ is worse than a prejudiced Archie Bunker type idiot.

  • Understanding the Church's Cultural Mandate and Great Commission

    Understanding the Church's Cultural Mandate and Great Commission

    When it comes to the matter of politics, much of the church today, sadly, is divided into two separate camps. One group seeks to bring a Christian worldview to bear on the political process. The other group says the church needs to stay out of politics and just be concerned about winning others to faith in Christ.

  • Drinking: Continuing the Conversation

    Drinking: Continuing the Conversation

    Last week, this author wrote an article titled Drinking and Jesus Turning Water to Wine. As expected, the piece stirred considerable opposition on the part of many professing Christians against the view that the wine Jesus miraculously provided at the wedding in Cana was not fermented. Nevertheless, it remains that the counter arguments made in favor of an alcoholic-wine are largely references to old talking points that become like rubble in light of all the evidence.

  • Drinking and Jesus Turning Water to Wine

    Drinking and Jesus Turning Water to Wine

    I've heard a lot of erroneous arguments myself made from the Bible in favor of drinking. But none more egregious than the one that advocates Jesus endorsed imbibing when he made water into wine at the wedding in Cana.

  • The Death Penalty and the Woman Caught in Adultery

    The Death Penalty and the Woman Caught in Adultery

    Last week lawmakers in the North Carolina Senate took steps to restore the death penalty in our state. North Carolina hasn't conducted an execution since 2006 due to legal challenges meant to create a de-facto moratorium.

  • Seven Assurances the Resurrection Gives

    Seven Assurances the Resurrection Gives

    No religion in the world can match the claims of Christianity. What differentiates it from other religions is its declaration that Christ literally rose from the grave. There have always been those who have sought to debunk the resurrection of Christ, but whatever arguments have been offered fail miserably.

  • Seven Ways the Cross Speaks

    Seven Ways the Cross Speaks

    In the days to come, Christians from all over the world will be celebrating the passion of Christ. It is indeed the focus of God's redemption. The cross speaks of so much we need to understand about God, ourselves, our need, our duty, and our hope.

  • Noah: A Modern Paraphrase About Big Government

    Noah: A Modern Paraphrase About Big Government

    It's most unfortunate the unfounded faith Americans over the years have placed in Big Government. Now we're seeing the negative results. Our founding fathers believed in a limited role for government.

  • Liberty Crucified Between Two Thieves

    Liberty Crucified Between Two Thieves

    Tertullian once said, "Just as Christ was crucified between two thieves, so this doctrine of justification is ever crucified between two opposite errors." Mankind has always rejected the liberty of the soul via two extremes: legalism and license.

  • Politics and Preaching Don't Mix?

    Politics and Preaching Don't Mix?

    Recently in a blog of comments underneath one of my op-ed pieces a well-meaning person wrote: "Mark, I love you like a brother, but these social issues are just distractions to keep us busy and away from sharing the Gospel." The person who wrote that was genuinely concerned I was neglecting my duty as a minister, while leading other Christians astray from their obligation as well. In other words, politics and preaching don't mix.