Robin Schumacher
Exclusive Columnist
Robin Schumacher is an accomplished software executive and Christian apologist who has written many articles, authored and contributed to several Christian books, appeared on nationally syndicated radio programs, and presented at apologetic events. He holds a BS in Business, Master's in Christian apologetics and a Ph.D. in New Testament. His latest book is, A Confident Faith: Winning people to Christ with the apologetics of the Apostle Paul.
Being a digital sex worker ain’t all it’s cracked up to be
There’s damage on both sides of the OnlyFans fence, but that’s not surprising.
False teaching is alive and well in the Church these days
The only way to spot fakes is to know the real thing.
The most convicting thing ever said to me
As Christians, the person we seek to please should be God, but so many other things can get in the way.
Misery is happiness and other Bible head-scratchers
For those who read it for the first time, Scripture can come off sounding pretty iffy.
Is this the most embarrassing verse in the Bible?
If Jesus didn’t know certain things, maybe He wasn’t God as orthodox Christian doctrine teaches.
The most common and awful way God punishes sin
Let’s face it, there are some scary stories in the Bible about God bringing His hammer down on people who do wrong.
Is the Christian faith completely blind?
Is Jesus and the writer of Hebrews commending a belief with no reality-based reason or foundation for that conviction?
The key reason you can’t lose your salvation
I’m betting the question of whether a believer can lose their salvation will never be firmly settled until Christ returns.
Our astounding ability to disbelieve is unbelievable
This leads to the question of why, with all the irrefutable evidence of the Holocaust being available, people would not believe its truth or have been taught about it.
What is the 1 thing separating most people from God?
Sin separates all people from God, which is why everyone needs a Savior. But the problem is, most of us don’t think we need anything of the kind.