Ron Hale

Ron Hale

Op-ed contributor


  • How do secularists see your Church?

    How do secularists see your Church?

    Read’em and weep … because we need to be shocked out of our complacency in understanding those our Lord wants us to reach with the Gospel.

  • Will Southern Baptists survive the secular storm?

    Will Southern Baptists survive the secular storm?

    We live in the midst of a cosmic war over worldviews. Accommodationists will crumble under pressure. The Baptist statement on the Scriptures still rightly recognizes the Bible as our “perfect treasure of divine instruction.” The anchored must hold the line.

  • Are Southern Baptists ready for a world that despises Christians?

    Are Southern Baptists ready for a world that despises Christians?

    Thousands are realizing, if we had followed the leadership of our condescending establishment elites, the Supreme Court would now be packed with Hillary’s progressive picks and Roe still in place. It is astonishing to observe those who cannot seem to celebrate this victory.