Samuel Sey
Trump, abortion and the pro-life movement
Donald Trump’s biggest enemy isn’t the Democrats, the media, or the deep state. Donald Trump’s biggest enemy is Donald Trump.
The New York Times endorses black nationalism
The New York Times article is promoting black nationalism. That is the inevitable outcome of racial identity politics: racial nationalism.
Why some Evangelicals are embracing racism
Sin is sin, on the right or the left. Kinism is just as evil as critical race theory.
The coming persecution is upon us
Don’t be surprised if one day you are on trial for quoting the Bible on social media.
Why I’m afraid of being a father
In the same way, if a man doesn’t want to be a father, he shouldn’t be a husband. Ladies, stay away from him.
You’re fearfully and wonderfully de-trans
You are just as fearfully and wonderfully made today as in the days before puberty blockers and transgender surgeries.
The opposite of feminism isn’t the patriarchy
The opposite of an unbiblical view of women isn’t another unbiblical view of women.
Canada’s healthcare system isn't free – it costs lives
Canada’s healthcare system isn’t free. It comes at a high cost — the cost of human lives.
How could my father do that?
So if I want to be a good father, I should be a good husband. If I’m faithful to my wife, I’ll be faithful to my child.
Are white Evangelicals America’s only hope?
Just as white evangelicals are not oppressors, they are also not saviours. They are not the only hope for moral sanity in America.