Shane Morris

Shane Morris

Op-ed contributor


  • Why Hell still belongs in a Christian worldview

    Why Hell still belongs in a Christian worldview

    If you think of American Christianity as a pendulum, we’re currently at the opposite extreme from the First Great Awakening.

  • Abortion survivors speak out

    Abortion survivors speak out

    Anyone who wants to truly communicate the horror of killing needs to do more than cite statistics. They have to tell stories. This holds true for any atrocity, including one that has claimed more lives than even the highest estimates of Stalin’s regime.

  • Dads, take your kids to church!

    Dads, take your kids to church!

    In families where only the father attended church regularly, the percentage of children following his example was actually higher than in families where both parents faithfully showed up on Sunday.

  • Forcing women into combat is wrong

    Forcing women into combat is wrong

    Forcing our daughters to register for the draft is a repugnant idea.

  • Divided Methodists: Will sexual colonialism split the UMC?

    Divided Methodists: Will sexual colonialism split the UMC?

    Many mainline denominations stateside have exerted tremendous pressure on churches overseas to give up the 2,000-year-old understanding of the Bible and morality for the new sexual heresy. In doing so, they’ve been guilty co-conspirators with progressive governmental activists of a kind of ideological colonialism. And then, they act surprised when their actions create serious tensions and even splits in their denominations.

  • Christians who favor legal abortion: A failure of discipleship

    Christians who favor legal abortion: A failure of discipleship

    In many ways, most Christian denominations, and many evangelical non-denominational churches, show worrying signs that even official doctrinal stances against abortion aren’t accepted by average members.

  • Go outside! The spiritual cost of isolation from creation

    Go outside! The spiritual cost of isolation from creation

    One of the defining features of God’s Word is how often it points us to God’s world. Much of Scripture, in fact, assumes a level of understanding about nature. So, it would seem, if we fail to go outdoors, if we fail to experience and engage in God’s creation, our faith could suffer.

  • Beauty defies Darwinism, some evolutionists admit

    Beauty defies Darwinism, some evolutionists admit

    The wings of a bird, the colors of a butterfly, and the patterns on a seashell defy the theory of Darwinian evolution.

  • Want to save America? Have kids

    Want to save America? Have kids

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported late last year that Americans aren’t having enough babies to replace themselves. In fact, a record one in five American women will never have children, and those who do will, on average, never exceed two.

  • AOC's Green New Deal utopian vision is no laughing matter

    AOC's Green New Deal utopian vision is no laughing matter

    Believing that the impossible becomes possible by congressional mandate is the essence of what Jacques Ellul called “the political illusion.” That illusion was on clear display last week when freshman New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Massachusetts Senator Edward Markey released what they call the “Green New Deal.”