Stephanie Samuel
Cain has a Better Chance at Defeating Obama than Mitt Romney, New Polls Show
Polling this week indicates that at the moment Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain has a better chance of defeating the president than Mitt Romney.
Pastor: Cain's Comments Do Little to Help Heal Racial Divide
A black pastor chided presidential candidate Herman Cain for tearing down African Americans with comments about political affiliation and unemployment, and encouraged him to follow God’s model of reconciliation to help his people.
Ill. Senate Introduces Bill to Allow Catholic Charities to Continue Adoptions
A new Illinois Senate bill seeks to reinstate Catholic Charities' foster care and adoption contracts after the state Department of Children and Family Services dropped the group for not allowing gay and cohabitating couples to adopt children.
Alveda King Offers Advice, Prayers for Obama
One day after President Barack Obama praised Martin Luther King Jr.'s accomplishments which paved his way to the White House, Alveda King said the president must now show America the content of his character through his political policies.
GOP Candidates to Boycott Nev. Caucus, Debate
New GOP front-runner Herman Cain joined four Republican presidential contenders to boycott the Nevada GOP Caucus after it reportedly moved up its caucus date from February to January.
Boehner Jogs Obama's Memory About GOP Jobs Bill
U.S. House Speaker John Boehner lectured Barack Obama on the details of the Republican jobs plan after the president challenged the media to find the House proposal saying, "I haven't yet seen it."
Rick Perry Stands by Wife's Remarks About 'Rough' Race
Republican presidential candidate and Texas Gov. Rick Perry stands by his wife Anita's claims that media scrutiny of his campaign has been rough partly because of his traditional Christian faith.
Calif. Poll Shows Most Americans Believe in Traditional Marriage
The California-based researcher behind a new poll showing that more than 60 percent of Americans believe marriage should only be between one man and one woman, said wording is key when asking Americans about gay marriage.
Pastor Joins ACLU Complaint Against SC Immigration Law
A pastor recently joined a lawsuit against South Carolina's immigration laws because she believes the law could inhibit church ministries, she said.
Herman Cain's 9-9-9, Praising of Greenspan Cause for Concern?
On Tuesday night, presidential candidate Herman Cain may have made his biggest slip thus far, by electing former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, who some now blame for the 2008 financial crisis, as his standard of economic leadership.