Susan Stamper Brown

CP Guest Contributor


  • ISIS Is Contained, President Obama?

    ISIS Is Contained, President Obama?

    The Nov. 13 Paris terrorist attack was well-coordinated with suicide bombings, grenade attacks, deadly shootings and hostage taking.

  • The War on Girls' Privacy

    The War on Girls' Privacy

    Dear parents, when you vote next November, please remember which party wants your daughters to share their school locker rooms and showers with boys.

  • Is the Mainstream Media Hillary Clinton's Super PAC?

    Is the Mainstream Media Hillary Clinton's Super PAC?

    Apparently, integrity and critical thinking are not qualities found in today's mainstream media.

  • Is Free Speech Just for Liberals?

    Is Free Speech Just for Liberals?

    In the biography, "Churchill: A Life," author Martin Gilbert writes how Winston Churchill loudly voiced his grave concerns about the apathy shared by those seemingly impervious to the malevolent National Socialist Movement's intention to steam through Europe like volcanic lava, destroying everything in its way, including free speech.

  • Democrats in Denial of God's Truth

    Democrats in Denial of God's Truth

    After watching the first Democrat Party presidential debate, one can understand why the Democrat National Committee [DNC] has chosen to limit their presidential debates to just six.

  • Pushing Back America's Darkness by Speaking Out

    Pushing Back America's Darkness by Speaking Out

    Darkness abounds. Nonetheless wisdom beckons, reminding those who'll listen to make the very best of the dark days we're in rather than allowing these dark days to get the best of us.

  • Liberal Policies to Blame for 'Muslim Bomb Clock' Suspension

    Liberal Policies to Blame for 'Muslim Bomb Clock' Suspension

    What's a teacher to do if he sees a wired briefcase that looks like a homemade bomb in the classroom?

  • Lawlessness and Kim Davis' Fireweed-Like Faith

    Lawlessness and Kim Davis' Fireweed-Like Faith

    The Rowan County Kentucky elected official Kim Davis was jailed unjustly. Unjustly, because we live in a society which promotes "right" as "wrong," and wrong as right and laws are applied to some and not others.

  • God Sent Snow to Obama's Global Warming Fieldtrip

    God Sent Snow to Obama's Global Warming Fieldtrip

    President Obama told some whoppers the size of Mt. McKinley, I mean Denali, about global warming while he was here in Alaska.

  • Environmental Protection Agency Does More Harm Than Good

    Environmental Protection Agency Does More Harm Than Good

    Like the road to Hell, liberal ideas are usually paved with good intentions. But, as Ronald Reagan once said, "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so." And all that vast un-knowledge births monster government agencies like the EPA, which end up doing more harm than good.