Sutton Turner

CP Guest Contributor


  • Former Mars Hill Church Executive Pastor and Elder Shares All: Good Decisions Made by the Right People, ResultSource (Pt. 2)

    Former Mars Hill Church Executive Pastor and Elder Shares All: Good Decisions Made by the Right People, ResultSource (Pt. 2)

    Your church or organization needs the right people in place to make the big, difficult, culture-shifting, church-altering decisions. The Bible details the qualifications of an elder in 1 Timothy 3 and 1 Peter 5. Those who lead the church by making important decisions for it should meet those qualifications, at the very least. Whether it is local elder-led or consists of outside leaders, the governing board must consist of men with experience and skills to match the decisions necessary for that b

  • Former Mars Hill Church Executive Pastor and Elder Shares All: Big Mistake of ResultSource (Pt. 1)

    Former Mars Hill Church Executive Pastor and Elder Shares All: Big Mistake of ResultSource (Pt. 1)

    Romans 8:28 is clear that God uses everything in our lives for our good and his glory. Again by the grace of God, the story of Mars Hill presents many lessons to be learned that I pray might help others. One of the biggest mistakes of Mars Hill Church was using a company called ResultSource. It deserves to be a business school case some day, but for right now, let's focus on the leadership lessons.