Todd Starnes
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Bar-B-Que Pitmasters Told to Remove American Flags in Alabama
Nothing says America quite like smoking a pork butt and flying Old Glory.
Students Opposed to LGBT Agenda Shamed in Classroom
Teenagers at a California high school were publicly shamed for disagreeing with speakers allowed to push an LGBT agenda during an English class, according to several upset parents.
Obama at National Prayer Breakfast: Christians Did Horrible Things Too
President Obama called on people of faith to reject those who use religion to justify evil – and in doing so – reminded people about the terrible things done in the name of Jesus Christ.
Bible Survives Muslim Mob Attack on Churches
Neal and Danette Childs knew they were in danger. From their compound in Niger's capital city they could see three churches burning. The smoke was filling their home.
Duke University Cancels Muslim Call to Prayer After Criticism From Graham Family
Duke University has abandoned its plan to transform the bell tower on the Methodist school's neo-gothic cathedral into a minaret where the Muslim call to prayer was to be publicly broadcast.
Virginia School District to End Interrogation of Christian Homeschool Kids Over Religious Beliefs
A Virginia school district has decided to scrap a policy that allowed it to interrogate Christian homeschool teenagers and their parents about their religious beliefs.
Chick-fil-A Manager Helps Homeless Man With Christian Kindness
It's been so cold in Birmingham, Alabama that they've had stuff shivering they didn't know could shake.
Atlanta Fire Chief Fired Because Over Christian Faith, Belief That Homosexuality Is a Sin
Atlanta Fire Chief Cochran's storied career is up in smoke – all because of a book he wrote for a men's Bible study group at his Baptist church.
Jesus and Jazz Hands Don't Mix at City Hall
It appears that Jesus and jazz hands don't mix.
Common Core Standards Include Islamic Vocabulary
Parents in Farmville, North Carolina want to know why their children were given a Common Core vocabulary assignment in an English class that promoted the Prophet Muhammad and the Islamic faith.