Todd Starnes
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Does the Military Have a Problem With Jesus?
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation's Mikey Weinstein reached out to Air Force officials at the Pentagon, the Air National Guard is governed by Air Force rules, as well as the 180th Fighter Wing demanding they remove what he called "that odious and offending proselytizing commentary."
Houston Mayor Drops Bid to Subpoena Pastors' Sermons
Subpoenas issued to five Houston pastors demanding all sermons and correspondence dealing with homosexuality, gender identity and the city's Equal Rights ordinance have been withdrawn, the city's first openly lesbian mayor announced at a Wednesday press conference.
School's Nation of Islam Handout Paints Founding Fathers As Racists
The mother of an eight-year-old wants to know why a Tennessee school teacher gave her child a handout from the Nation of Islam that portrayed the presidents on Mount Rushmore as being racists
City Threatens to Arrest Pastors Who Refuse to Perform Same Sex Weddings
Two Christian ministers who own an Idaho wedding chapel were told they had to either perform same-sex weddings or face jail time and up to a $1,000 fine, according to a lawsuit filed Friday in federal court.
Texas Attorney General to Houston City Hall: Stop Bullying Christians
Stop bullying people of faith. That's the bottom line of a harshly worded letter written by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott to Houston City Attorney David Feldman.
Pastors to Houston Mayor: Don't Mess With Texas Preachers or Their Sermons
Christians across the nation are mobilizing to defend a group of Houston pastors who were ordered by the city to turn over any sermons dealing with homosexuality, gender identity issues or Houston mayor. Their message is simple – Don't Mess with Texas Preachers.
Houston City Government Demands Pastors Turn Over Sermons Referencing Homosexuality, Mayor
The city of Houston has issued subpoenas demanding a group of pastors turn over any sermons dealing with homosexuality, gender identity or Annise Parker, the city's first openly lesbian mayor. And those ministers who fail to comply could be held in contempt of court.
Commission Says Christian Business Owners Should Leave Religion at Home
The Human Rights Commission in Lexington, Kentucky has a chilling message for Christian business owners who refuse service to LGBT organizations: leave your religion at home.
School Bans Christian Club, Again
Educators at Ward Melville High School are either woefully ignorant of the U.S. Constitution or they really don't like Christian teenagers. For the second year in a row, the Long Island, New York high school has denied students the right to form a Christian club.
College Orders Students to 'Dumb Down' Religious Show
The folks in the drama department at Cape Fear Community College are just fine with staging productions about rape and incest. But when it comes to staging a show with Christian themes – well, that's a problem.