Todd Starnes
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Diner Removes Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim
A Vermont diner decided to take down a sign advertising bacon after a Muslim declared that she had a beef with bacon.
Georgia Town to Atheists: Stop Bullying Our Kids
The American Humanist Association (AHA) is about to learn a very important lesson -- folks around Gainesville, Georgia don't take kindly to out-of-town atheists trying to bully their children.
Navy Removes Bibles From Guest Rooms
There is growing outrage among sailors and religious liberty advocates over a directive that calls for the removal of Bibles from lodges and hotels run on U.S. Navy bases. The directive comes after an atheist group filed a formal complaint earlier this year over the placement of Bibles in the rooms.
Solider Forced Out of Army for Serving Chick-fil-A, Reading Hannity Book
A member of the U.S. Army Band said he was forced out of the U.S. Army for having anti-Obama bumper stickers on his personal car, serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches at a party and reading books written by conservative authors like Sean Hannity, a federal lawsuit alleges.
Newspaper Editor Fired for Criticism of Gay Bible
Bob Eschliman is a Christian. He's also a veteran news editor. And when he decided to write a column on his personal blog objecting to a gay-friendly version of the Bible, Bob was unceremoniously marched out of the Newton Daily News and shoved out the front door.
U.S. Open Borders: Every Terrorists' Dream
The Transportation Security Administration is strongly denying accusations that it has been allowing illegal immigrants to board American jetliners without proper identification.
Obama's LGBT Executive Order Endangers Religious Liberty
President Obama signed an executive order Monday barring federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity – ignoring the pleas of Christian and other faith leaders to include an exemption for religious organizations.
Mrs. Obama Declares War on Chick-fil-A
The First Lady of these United States has declared war on Chick-fil-A. It seems the home of plump juicy breasts and hot buttered buns has run afoul of the new Smart Snacks in School program. The program is a component of Mrs. Obama's Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.
Pastors Not Welcome at Immigration Camps
Pastors and churches have been banned from helping the thousands of illegal immigrant children housed in border detention facilities run by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, clergy in Texas and Arizona tell me.
Immigration Crisis: Tuberculosis Spreading at Camps
Are the thousands of illegal immigrant kids housed in detention facilities happy and well fed -- or are they living in disease-infested compounds shrouded in secrecy?