Tom Krattenmaker

CP Guest Contributor


  • Sexual Revolution and Conter-Revolution: Restoring the Good and Noble Intentions of the Old Ways

    Sexual Revolution and Conter-Revolution: Restoring the Good and Noble Intentions of the Old Ways

    Amid the current wreckage, is it time to declare the half-century-old sexual revolution a mistake? That would be neither feasible nor desirable. But it clearly is time for a sexual counterrevolution, to restore what was healthy and well-intended in the original revolution.

  • Get to Know a Muslim

    A strong work ethic, devotion to God and family, conservative views on abortion and sexuality — on these scores and more, the newcomers would appear to be right in stride with the traditional-values folk in Anytown, USA.

  • What if the End Isn't Near?

    If end-times acceptance is losing credibility among the new generation of Jesus followers — and many signs say it is — this is good news for us all.