Tony Perkins and David Closson
Tony Perkins: My Journey to the Holy Land, Spending Time In Bomb Shelters and Why America Needs to Support Israel
Along with the other American Christian leaders, I was able to once again see first-hand the bounty of Israel, the determination of her people and the tremendous courage of those who lead her. Israel truly is an oasis of freedom and prosperity in a land of despots and despair.
The Taxman Cometh to Church
Most of us would love to get the IRS to go to church -- but not to censor what's being said there. Unfortunately, that seems to be the next stop on the agency's intimidation tour, thanks to a new settlement between the President's favorite tax bullies and the extremists at the Freedom From Religion Foundation.
Meriam Ibrahim, American Citizenship and Religious Liberty
Today in Khartoum, Sudan, Meriam is being held in a fetid, filthy prison for refusing to recant her faith in Christ. Someone purporting to be from her family turned her into the Sudanese authorities on an allegation of "adultery" for marrying outside of Islam
The Bible Versus Planned Parenthood
Women are used to Planned Parenthood preying on them -- but praying on them? That's a new approach altogether. After a string of celebrity endorsements, Planned Parenthood insists it got the ultimate one: God's. Obviously, Cecile Richards's group is always looking for new ways to justify abortion. But the Bible? That's a step too far, even for them.
Sex Change We Can Believe In?
Taxpayer-funded sex changes: They aren't just for traitors and illegal immigrants anymore!
Reid's Senate in a World of Pain
If you're wondering what Senate Democrats decided to give moms for Mother's Day, try dirty, unregulated abortion clinics.
Sex Trafficking Bill Gets Green Light from House
"I thought it only happened in poor countries," Sister Gladys Leigh told reporters. But, like too many people, the St. Louis nun underestimated the strong grip of sex trafficking.
Rand Casts a Paul Over Life Debate
Republicans are still months away from kicking off the presidential race – and that's a good thing for front-runners like Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who could use the extra time to hone their messaging.
Poll Vaulting: Marriage Gets PR Boost
For former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich, supporting marriage must feel like an awfully lonely position. But according to a new Rasmussen Poll, it's anything but. In what should be an eye-opening survey that the media will go out of its way to ignore, the survey house announced a flat-out tie between Americans who back same-sex "marriage" and those who don't.
Air Force Cadets Show Us How to Fight for Our Faith
At the U.S. Air Force Academy, jets aren't the only things taking off. So is a campus-wide rebellion against the forces of political correctness. Frustrated by the school's decision to scrub a Bible verse from one of the dorm whiteboards, cadets decided to take matters into their own hands.