W. Paul Franks

Op-Ed Contributor


  • No, Andy Stanley Isn't a Marcionite

    No, Andy Stanley Isn't a Marcionite

    Last week I witnessed one of the most bizarre things in the Christian-social-media-world ... Andy Stanley (yes, that Andy Stanley) has been deemed a "Marcionite."

  • Comparing Donald Trump to Hitler Isn't Helpful

    Comparing Donald Trump to Hitler Isn't Helpful

    Let me state this right from the start: I think Donald Trump is a racist, a sexist, and is firmly committed to a misguided nationalism. ... With all of that said, trying to sway people away from Trump by comparing his rise to Hitler's is not at all helpful.

  • Wayne Grudem's Deplorable Argument for Trump

    Wayne Grudem's Deplorable Argument for Trump

    Flip-flopping aside, what do we make of Grudem's new stance that if we don't like either candidate then we should simply vote for Trump's policies? Well, unfortunately for the American voter, Grudem's case is a complete failure for anyone who doesn't accept consequentialist-based reasoning.