Wallace B. Henley

Wallace B. Henley

Exclusive Columnist

Wallace Henley is a former pastor, White House, and congressional aide. He served eighteen years as a teaching pastor at Houston's Second Baptist Church. Wallace, the author of more than twenty books, now does conferences on the church and culture, church growth and leadership. He is the founder of Belhaven University's Master of Ministry Leadership Degree.

His latest book, Who Will Rule the Coming ‘Gods’?, offers groundbreaking spiritual insight into emerging AI technologies.


  • Perils of the Virtualist Age

    Perils of the Virtualist Age

    Now, say many cultural observers, we are in the post-Postmodern period. But what do we call it? I suggest The Age of Virtualism. We have virtual identities in the form of avatars, or even "appropriated" ethnicity. We have virtual church.

  • The Root of Bitterness Endangers America

    The Root of Bitterness Endangers America

    The current political tone and the debate over "civility" demonstrate that the "root" is growing rapidly in America, and is being nurtured by many important voices who douse the socio-cultural-political landscape with vitriol.

  • Contradictions of the Secular Elites

    Contradictions of the Secular Elites

    The elites that now determine our culture's values consensus are spiritually, philosophically, and morally insane, self-deluded. Either that or they are craftily devious.

  • Where Are the Grown-Ups?

    Where Are the Grown-Ups?

    The Kavanaugh hearings and their tattle-tale antics, the various hash-tag movements, the growing passion for the nanny state, the adolescent lasciviousness of leaders in institutional and corporate life—sadly the church included—and childish, tongue-waving, na-na-na-na-na tweets, even from the president of the United States, provoke a question: Where are the grown-ups?

  • An Urgent Appeal to Church Leaders: Don't Get Sidetracked in the Souk

    An Urgent Appeal to Church Leaders: Don't Get Sidetracked in the Souk

    The latest swashbuckling over Kavanaugh shows that many who govern have lost their focus in this crazy age. But so have some of us who seek to lead churches, as contemporary scandals reveal.

  • Vicar of Christ or Just Another Politician?

    Vicar of Christ or Just Another Politician?

    Pope Francis could learn much from the Watergate debacle. Nixon told an aide that "the people forget in six weeks." Nixon chose the political route and it destroyed his presidency.

  • High Alert: A New Season of Spiritual Warfare

    High Alert: A New Season of Spiritual Warfare

    It's time to take seriously Simon Peter's Holy Spirit-given words: "Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." It's time to understand that the Revelation is not a comic book.

  • Mere Revolution vs. Extraordinary Transformation

    Mere Revolution vs. Extraordinary Transformation

    Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity are proving as transformational as the first century church was in ancient Rome. They also reveal the stark contrasts between mere revolution and extraordinary transformation.

  • It's Time for 'Wow!'

    It's Time for 'Wow!'

    The age of "Why?" and "How?" is upon us. "Why?" is so often the question of theodicy, the doctrine of evil: "Why, if God is loving, and good, and kind would this bad thing happen to me/us/them?"

  • Ambiguity and Ambivalence: The New Cool

    Ambiguity and Ambivalence: The New Cool

    Ambivalence and ambiguity seem to be the new cool in some facets of Christianity. Perhaps it is only in the safe sanctuaries of sensate western culture that notable evangelicals can dally with doubt and ambiguity regarding the Bible, when they should be declaring boldly, "Thus saith the Lord!"