A Unified Church Is a Growing Church

One of the reasons why Saddleback church has grown over the years is because we have maintained a harmonious atmosphere. When there is a church that is loving, it attracts people like a magnet. When a church really loves, really offers love to each other and those who are welcomed into it, you'd have to lock the doors to keep people out. Because Saddleback is a loving church, we continue to reach out and we continue to grow.
Growth is automatic. All living things grow and if a church is alive and living, it will grow naturally. The question, if a church isn't growing, is, "What is keeping it from growing?" If you remove the barriers to growth in your ministry or in the church as a whole, it will automatically grow.
A simple reading of Romans 14 reveals six ways that we are to build each other up rather than tearing each other down.
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/6-commitments-for-growing-a-church-with-unity-100797/#0ShPUDBEDaeYDuwt.99