'Good Without God' ... Really?
I see regularly the slogan from the American Humanists Association: "Good Without God." And I think …. well, maybe for a while, one can be good (before men). But only because they piggyback on the Judeo-Christian values they may have imbibed. After a while, it all fades away.
The reality of that fading away now hits us daily in the news. There's not a week that goes by without some new report of violence and mayhem. Some attacks are worse than others.
Just recently, the Daily Mail referred to "lawless Paris," in an attack on innocent people, including tourists.
Their sensational headline (6/23/16) highlighted the chaos:
"Mob violence in lawless Paris: Terrifying video shows 'woman tourist' viciously attacked by marauding youths in city deserted by police despite 'state of emergency' and Euros rampage
"Young woman viciously beaten 'within sight of Notre Dame' in Paris …
"Paris is 'like a warzone,' a witness told MailOnline who said he was terrified."
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/good-without-god-not-in-the-long-run-opinion-165877/#urZcBopPCPE4u7X3.99