Grading the Candidates on Common Core

Two organizations that strongly oppose the Common Core State Standards for education have graded the 2016 Republican presidential candidates on their efforts to combat the standards. In a report card released Wednesday, two presidential candidates received failing grades, while only two candidates received grades of an "A minus."
The Pulse 2016, a project run by American Principles in Action and Cornerstone Policy Research, have evaluated 15 of the GOP candidates on how they have responded to concerns about Common Core raised by parents and teachers throughout the country.
As the federal government has incentivized the Common Core set of standards by requiring states to adopt the standards in order to receive some of the $4.35 billion in "Race to the Top" education funding, many parents, local school officials and education experts have argued that the Common Core standards are inferior and takes control over curriculum decisions away from local school boards and administrators, and into the hands of centralized bureaucracies and large companies.